how much is a painted turtle

how much is a painted turtle

Painted turtles: how much?

Size, age, and health affect painted turtle prices. Healthy adult painted turtles cost $20–$50. A young turtle may cost $100. Rare or unique turtles may cost extra. The turtle’s price doesn’t include food, a tank, or other supplies. Therefore, when buying a painted turtle, consider these additional charges.

What Affects Painted Turtle Prices?

Size affects painted turtle prices. Bigger turtles cost extra. Larger turtles are harder to find and require more attention.

Age affects painted turtle prices. Younger turtles are cheaper since they are easier to care for and use fewer resources.

Health also affects painted turtle prices. Healthy turtles cost extra. Healthy turtles live longer and require less maintenance.

Finally, local availability affects painted turtle prices. If the turtle is rare, it may cost extra.

Painted turtle prices depend on size, age, health, and availability. These considerations help purchasers choose a painted turtle.

Owning a Painted Turtle: Benefits?

1. Painted turtles are low-maintenance pets. They need a tank with UVB light, filter, and basking area. Fresh veggies, insects, and commercial turtle food are also needed.

2. Long Lifespan: With proper care, painted turtles can live 40 years. They make good long-term pets.

3. Social: Painted turtles live in groups. They’re wonderful for turtle watchers.

4. Fun to Watch: Painted turtles swim around their tank and sunbathe in the sun. They are active during the day, making them good pets for daytime watchers.

5. Easy to Handle: Painted turtles are safe to handle. They’re wonderful for pet owners who wish to interact.

A painted turtle can be a gratifying pet. They are gregarious, long-lived, low-maintenance, and fascinating to watch.

Painted Turtle Care for Beginners

Housing: Painted turtles need large enclosures for swimming. A 40-gallon tank with a 12-inch water depth is ideal. A turtle-sized rock or log can serve as a basking spot. The basking area should be 85–90°F.

Diet: Painted turtles consume plants and animals. A balanced diet includes leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and insects. Commercial turtle food can complement this.

Health: Painted turtles can get shell rot, respiratory infections, and parasites. If your turtle is sick, see a vet. Turtles need regular water changes to stay healthy.

These tips will keep your painted turtle happy and healthy. Your painted turtle can be a lifelong friend with proper care.

Types of Painted Turtles

Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) are most prevalent. Eastern US and Canada have this species. Its shell is dark green or black with red and yellow streaks. Yellow plastron with black patterns.

Western Canada and the US have the Western-painted turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii). Dark green or black carapace with yellow stripes and red markings. Yellow-black plastron.

The Southern-painted turtle (Chrysemys picta dorsalis) lives in the Southeast. Dark green or black carapace with yellow stripes and red markings. Yellow-black plastron.

Midland painted turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) live throughout the central US. Dark green or black carapace with yellow stripes and red markings. Yellow-black plastron.

Painted Turtle Prices: Factors That Affect the Cost of Owning One


1. How much is a painted turtle?

Size, age, and vendor affect painted turtle prices. Painted turtles cost $20–$50.

2. What affects painted turtle prices?

Size, age, and vendor determine painted turtle prices. Bigger, older turtles cost more.

3. Do painted turtles cost more?

Yes, painted turtles cost more. Food, a tank or enclosure, and accessories like filters, heaters, and lights are included.

4. Are painted turtle purchases special?

Buying a painted turtle requires specific precautions. Make sure the turtle is healthy and fits your enclosure. Before buying, investigate painted turtle care.

5. Can painted turtles be kept?

Painted turtles require little care. They need a tank, heater, filter, and lights, as well as a plant-animal food. They need a sunbathing place and water changes.


Finally, a painted turtle’s price depends on its size, age, health, and seller’s location. Painted turtles cost $10 to $50, with rarer kinds fetching more.



